about us

about us

contact us

2 Vicarage Road
Kings Heath
B14 7RA
United Kingdom

Email: info@circusmash.co.uk
Telephone: 0121 439 2530

Dream way too big and forget not your purpose, but live every day like your life is a circus

Over the last ten years MASH has created a space in Birmingham for circus, individuality, celebration, skill, equality and magic and those spells bound in 2011 have rippled through every year since. We’re a small team with a big passion to use circus in new ways.

Creativity gives us freedom, circus gives us capability and community keeps us strong.
When you have this motto running through your life it’s hard to not want to pass it onto others and use what you’re passionate about to create a better future. Our story began in 2011 and was founded by Joe Fearn, a travelling circus performer with a huge passion for education. Read the full story…

“A brilliant range of classes for all levels. All the CircusMASH folk are so friendly too!” – Valerie Hamilton, community member

Office CrewCoachesAssistant CoachesTechnical Crew
CEO | Artistic Director

Joe Fearn

Senior Administrator

Jill Arbuckle

Participation Manager

Philippa Bradshaw

Development Coordinator

Nate Ballew

Head Coach

Rhian Motion

Content Manager

Ella Raybone

Content Designer

Kate Glaze

Outreach Co-ordinator

Kelly Casey

Fundraising Co-ordinator

Matthew Gabrielli

CEO | Artistic Director

Joe Fearn


Joe started MASH in 2011 after running away to the USA to join the circus as soon as he turned 18 in the early 2000’s. Touring for years with shows and troupes he came back to Birmingham to start MASH. He now heads up the training and strategic development goals for the future of The House of Mash, CircusMASH and Space Plans.

Senior Administrator

Jill Arbuckle


Jill hails from New Jersey USA and loves how Birmingham doesn’t know how good it is! Mash would not run without Jills slick administrative skills and fabulous organisational prowess. Thank you for always being on it Jill. Before she ran away with the circus Jill worked as a maths teacher and in arts admin.

Participation Manager

Philippa Bradshaw


Pip is a true circus mom! Her oldest daughter started circus with us when we started in 2011 and since then all of her kids have joined and her family help run all our events. Philippa is our safeguarding lead and also administers a partnership with MASH and Class Act Theatrix (The Bfourteen Project). Philippa also helps out with admin and other tasks in busy periods.

Development Coordinator

Nate Ballew


Nate is our Development Coordinator and is also a coach for MASH. Nate looks after our Diversity and Inclusion strategy and keeps internal communication flowing. Nate’s heads also in the development of the four stages of circus we offer: Social, Discovery, Foundation and Protrack. We’re super lucky to have Nate part of the week. The rest of his time Nate is a wonderful Pastor for Riverside Church and is a wonderful human being! We love you Nate.

Head Coach

Rhian Motion


As Head Coach, Rhian Coaches and heads up two projects: MASH 10 Development, (which develops training resources for coaches) and Space Plans (our long awaited digital tool for people who train circus!) Rhian also performs all over the UK and is a master with early years coming from a background in nursery management.

Content Manager

Ella Raybone

Content Designer

Kate Glaze


Kate is a freelance creative designer, who produces content for us. She came on board in 2021 to redesign our website, as well as our sister site houseofmash.com.


Raquel San Gregorio


Raquel hails from Madrid Spain and has worked with MASH for many years as a coach and an event manager. You’ll see her flying high most days. Raquel performs all over the UK as an aerialist and multi skilled walkabout performer! Raquel trained as a school teacher and brings her educational prowess to MASH. Did we say Raquel is an absolutely STUNNING aerialist.

Skate Buddies Coach

Empress Gibbs


Empress is a fantastic skate coach that runs Skate Buddies UK. They run classes, workshops and events to empower people through skating. Empress heads up our Discovery Skate class and a Skate Buddies adult class at MASH. You might see empress skating around Birmingham convincing people that life is better on wheels. You better believe her and give it a try!

Skate Buddies Coach

Martina Shoshona


Martina is a Skate Coach with Skate Buddies and heads up our Discover Skate Class and the Skate Buddies adult class. They run classes, workshops and events to empower people through skating. You might see Martina skating around Birmingham convincing people that life is better on wheels. You better believe her and give it a try!

Outreach Co-ordinator

Kelly Casey


Kelly is a theatre and educational coach at MASH. She has a background in Level3 education and theatre, with a masters in dramaturgy. Kelly writes our shows and performs with us in our community and professional work and helps us to push our thinking. We’re very lucky to have her experience at MASH!


Lizzi Sifford


Lizzi has been with Mash from the start and has had many roles over the years including administration, coaching, running elements of the business. Lizzi retrained to be a primary school teacher in 2023 and we’re very pleased that Liz is still part of the family as a coach and works with us outside of her full time teaching job.


Andrew Russell


Andy is a secondary school teacher and is a master unicycler and diaboloist. He runs the Juggling Club and works with our foundation ground students to increase their skill levels. He performs at events around the UK with MASH. As ground skills go in Birmingham… there are very few circus coaches with Andy’s level of skill!


Ashley Male


Ashley is a coach in our Discovery classes and also performs and runs circus workshops around the UK. Ashley’s interest is in working with older people and circus and she is fabulous at what she does!


Catherine Curran


We’re very lucky to have Cat who runs her own business called Positive PE. Cat works with PE teachers to make them better. She works at many schools across Birmingham and works with us as a youth coach. We’re very excited to see where our partnership goes in the future!


Jodie Murphy


Jodie has worked with us for many moons as a coach and workshop leader. She performs in community shows and has a full time job outside of Circus. We’re very lucky to have you Jodie and are thrilled that there is always a place for circus in your heart!!

Assistant Coach

Ava Daniel

Assistant Coach

Kirsty Docherty


Penny Barrett


Penny started CircusMASH as a student many moons ago and is a youth coach at MASH. She helps put shows together and brings her amazing dance and choreography experience to us. Penny loves her a bit of Disney and we dare you to challenge her to a quiz on the subject. We don’t think you’ll win!

Assistant Coach

Lola Colley


Matthew Jones


Matthew is a graduate of the National Centre for circus arts specialising on straps and handbalance. Matt is precise and has an incredible attention to detail when coaching. You won’t be leaving Matt’s class without knowing you’re going to ache in the morning!

Rigging Manager

Andy Penhallurick


Fundraising Co-ordinator

Matthew Gabrielli


Sound & Production

Pete Dixon


Sound & Lighting

Chris Lamb



Rachel Boxley


Assistant Coach

Isobel Burbidge


Assistant Coach

Ninny Burbidge



Nerina Ivasika


community projects

Work with us

We’re not hiring at the moment, but the circus never stops! Keep an eye on this space for future opportunities to join the CircusMASH family. Until then, dream way too big, forget not your purpose, and live every day like your life is a circus!

volunteer with us

As well as our core team, we love to engage with the community and get people from all walks of life involved. We often need extra help with events and projects, so if you would like to volunteer with us, we’d love to hear from you!